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November 9, 2024 10 am PST

Bluegreen report is out, no HAB DANGER advisories, San Luis Reservoir HAB warning advisory posted at Dinosaur Point Boat launch

HAB Tracker from California Water Boards

The Friday HAB update released November 8 has no DANGER level advisories posted and just one Warning level advisory. San Luis Reservoir is the lone HAB Warning in tihs report, the strongest level advisory in the state this week. The Dinosaur Point Boat Launch has been confirmed with a serious enough bloom to warrant the Warning, which precludes any contact with the water although fish caught in this lake could be safely consumed if filleted and washed carefully with potable water from the tap or a bottle.

HAB Caution advisories apply to several sites in Discovery Bay, Pyramid Lake, Lake Henshaw, Leslie Creek and Lake Almaden. Exercise care around these water bodies, avoid contact with algal mat or foam.

Streamflow Situation
Sunny and clear, high 72 in the Central Valley watershed Region 5 Saturday. Streamflows in the North Coast Region 1 run mostly below normal, seasonal normal values in Region 2 San Francisco watershed, much above normal from Los Angeles to San Diego watersheds. Colorado River watershed region 7 runs mostly normal with lows on the Colorado and New River as controlled releases from the impoundments favor holding on to stored freshwater resources.

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