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September 10, 2024 updated 823 am PDT

Bluegreen Update

WT HAB Tracker
The World Health Organization publishes guidance documents for recreational water as a global health priority, given "recreational water use has long been recognized as a major influence on health and well-being." (WHO update to the Recreational Water Guidance, 2021) The value of beaches is immeasurable for locals and tourists alike. As population density, agriculture and industrial activities increase around the world, so also the impacts of pollution on the treasured recreational beaches. Assessment of health risk associated with recreational water is therefore a public health priority in California and the USA.

California Water Boards Recent HAB Update came out Friday, Sept 6 with 12 DANGER and 12 Warning advisories posted in recreational water bodies. Danger and Warning advisories are posted on the beaches, be sure to heed the specific safety measures to avoid inhaling, ingesting or absorbing cyanotoxins. The symptoms of contact with toxins include skin irritation and gastrointestinal upset in humans, and rapid demise for pets. The presence of bluegreen algae is not always indicative of cyanotoxins, this can only be established through water testing. Presumption of the presence of the toxins with the bluegreen algae is a cautious approach to public safety, given the health risk. Cyanotoxins damage vital organs, the signs of which may not be felt until damage is done. Find the US EPA national beach advisories dashboard, here.

See the map to the right for bluegreen tags, and the latest California HAB Tracker report, here.

Georgia from Cyanobacteria Assessment Network (CyAN)
Cyanobacteria cell counts have been added for select Georgia water bodies as available from CyAN satellite early detection system. Jackson Lake, Lake Lanier and Lake Hartwell have been assessed, the measurements are not current, however do indicate the past presence of cyanobacteria. Georgia does not presently require drinking water facilities to test for cyanotoxins, this is a discretionary matter for the State to determine. Lake Burton is the high cell count leader at over 500 thousand cells per ml, measured April 20, 2024. Next is Alexanders Landing in Walter F George Reservoir, measured around 125 thousand cells per ml in early June this year. More to follow as we work through the Cyanobacterial Assessment Network (CyAN) collected data for the major water bodies in Georgia. See the Georgia water bodies list with cell counts here.

The latest satellite image of Lake Pontchartrain and the southeast water bodies is dated Sep 8, snapped in high wind conditions over 18 mph. The hurricane warning includes storm surge potential for the large inland lakes, including Lake Pontchartrain. As of our latest satellite image, Lake Pontchartrain has no HAB activity or too low to visualize. Lac des Allemands and Bayou Fortier lakewide HABs run 1 to 2 million cells per ml, the north half of Lake Verret shows a lakewide HAB 700 thousand cells per ml. This water should be presumed to carry cyanotoxin, exercise caution and remove yourself and pets from around these water bodies if at all possible. See the latest LA HAB Tracker report, here.

Pollution Prevention - Permission to Discharge
California's Water Boards administer the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program, managing point source wastewater discharges to surface waters in the State of California. Discharge permits protect drinking water supplies as per the national Clean Water Act and in California, the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act.

From the California Water Boards, "Wastewater is water that contains waste from residential, commercial, and industrial processes. Municipal wastewater contains sewage, gray water (e.g., water from sinks and showers), and sometimes industrial wastewater from small industries. Large industries, such as refineries, also generate wastewater and discharge separately from municipal wastewater. Some wastewater discharges are exempt from federal NPDES requirements, but California law may still apply. For example, under California law, we require waste discharge requirements (WDRs) for discharges to land that could potentially affect groundwater. Therefore, we issue WDRs for wastewater recycled for reuse and wastewater discharged to land, including on-site treatment systems." reports matters concerning discharges potentially impacting drinking water sources alongside flood and bluegreen algae blooms by watershed area and drainage basin. Flooding carries land-applied contaminants to the waterways, as such these events are plotted together as observed. Understanding the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Land Application System (LAS), Pretreatment permits, Sludge Management Plans, and/or Industrial Pretreatment Programs is an important facet of the work.

When discharge permits are not followed, whether intentionally or accidentally, the US EPA can step into an enforcement role to assist the State. See an example of a metal finishing company in violation of the Clean Water Act by way of breaching the discharge permit terms, here.

Clean Water Act conviction, sentencing a paint company and its owner, a criminal record for knowingly transporting and dumping hazardous materials, here.

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